NATS Logo by Example

Core Publish-Subscribe in Messaging

This example demonstrates the core NATS publish-subscribe behavior. This is the fundamental pattern that all other NATS patterns and higher-level APIs build upon. There are a few takeaways from this example:

  • Delivery is an at-most-once. For MQTT users, this is referred to as Quality of Service (QoS) 0.
  • There are two circumstances when a published message won’t be delivered to a subscriber:
    • The subscriber does not have an active connection to the server (i.e. the client is temporarily offline for some reason)
    • There is a network interruption where the message is ultimately dropped
  • Messages are published to subjects which can be one or more concrete tokens, e.g. greet.bob. Subscribers can utilize wildcards to show interest on a set of matching subjects.
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$ nbe run messaging/pub-sub/elixir
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Set up the dependencies for this script. Ordinarily you would have this set of dependencies declared in your mix.exs file.


For documentation on the Gnat library, see

  {:gnat, "~> 1.6"},
  {:jason, "~> 1.0"}

url = System.get_env("NATS_URL", "nats://")
uri = URI.parse(url)

Call start_link on Gnat to start the Gnat application supervisor

{:ok, gnat} = Gnat.start_link(%{host:, port: uri.port})

Manual subscriptions are easy and straightforward, just supply a topic and the target pid to receive the {:msg, m} messages from the subscription.

{:ok, subscription} = Gnat.sub(gnat, self(), "nbe.*")

Here we send a message to a subject that has a subscriber

:ok =, "", "NATS by example is a great learning resource!")

In elixir, an explicit receive call blocks the current process until a message arrives in its inbox. In this case, we’re waiting for the {:msg, m} tuple from the NATS client.

receive do
  {:msg, %{body: body, topic: "", reply_to: nil}} ->
    IO.puts("Manual subscription received: '#{body}'")

Now let’s move on to more resilient and production-grade ways of subscribing

In addition to one-off subscriptions, you can create a resilient consumer supervisor that you intend to keep running for a long period of time that will survive network partition events. This consumer supervisor can invoke callbacks in a module that conforms to the Gnat.Server behavior, like this DemoServer module.

defmodule DemoServer do
  use Gnat.Server

  def request(%{body: body, topic: topic}) do
    IO.puts("Received message on '#{topic}': '#{body}'")

The error handler is an optional callback. Gnat.Server has a default one that you can use.

  def error(%{gnat: gnat, reply_to: reply_to}, _error) do, reply_to, "Something went wrong and I can't handle your message")

The Gnat.ConnectionSupervisor is a process that monitors your NATS connection. If connection is lost, this process will retry according to its backoff settings to re-establish a connection.

gnat_supervisor_settings = %{
  name: :gnat,
  backoff_period: 4_000,
  connection_settings: [
    %{host:, port: uri.port}
{:ok, _conn} = Gnat.ConnectionSupervisor.start_link(gnat_supervisor_settings)

The connection supervisor’s start_link establishes a connection asynchronously, so we need to delay here until the connection is running. This isn’t normally a problem when putting connection supervisors into a supervision tree at startup

if Process.whereis(:gnat) == nil do

Consumer supervisors work in tandem with connection supervisors. The connection_name setting refers to the name of a supervised connection, and not the Gnat application.

consumer_supervisor_settings = %{
  connection_name: :gnat,

This is the module name of a module that exhibits the Gnat.Server behavior

  module: DemoServer,

We can subscribe on multiple topics, each of which can have wildcards

  subscription_topics: [
    %{topic: "rpc.demo", queue_group: "demo"},

In most applications the connection and consumer supervisors are started as part of the supervision tree, but for this sample we just create it manually via start_link.

{:ok, _sup} = Gnat.ConsumerSupervisor.start_link(consumer_supervisor_settings)
IO.puts("Started consumer supervisor")

This publishes on the topic on which our consumer supervisor is listening., "rpc.demo", "hello")


* creating /root/.mix/archives/hex-2.0.6
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Resolution completed in 0.042s
  cowlib 2.12.1
  ed25519 1.4.1
  gnat 1.7.1
  jason 1.4.1
  nimble_parsec 1.3.1
  nkeys 0.2.2
  telemetry 1.2.1
* Getting gnat (Hex package)
* Getting jason (Hex package)
* Getting cowlib (Hex package)
* creating /root/.mix/elixir/1-15/rebar3
* Getting nimble_parsec (Hex package)
* Getting nkeys (Hex package)
* Getting telemetry (Hex package)
* Getting ed25519 (Hex package)
You have added/upgraded packages you could sponsor, run `mix hex.sponsor` to learn more
==> ed25519
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated ed25519 app
==> nkeys
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated nkeys app
==> nimble_parsec
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
Generated nimble_parsec app
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling telemetry
==> jason
Compiling 10 files (.ex)
Generated jason app
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling cowlib
==> gnat
Compiling 11 files (.ex)
Generated gnat app
Manual subscription received: 'NATS by example is a great learning resource!'

10:49:27.682 [debug] connecting to %{port: 4222, host: "nats"}
Started consumer supervisor
Received message on 'rpc.demo': 'hello'


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.