NATS Logo by Example

Intro in Services Framework

NATS services have always been straightforward to write. However, with the services framework, the NATS client library further simplifies the building, discovery and monitoring of services. The framework automatically places all subscriptions in a queue group and provides functionality for building subject hierarchies and their handlers.

Without any additional effort, the library enables automatic service discovery and status reporting. The NATS CLI nats micro command provides a simple way to query and report all the services using this framework.

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <nats.h>

#define MODE_MIN 0
#define MODE_MAX 1
#define MODE_AVERAGE 2

static microError *handler(microRequest *req);

int main()
    natsStatus s = NATS_OK;
    microError *err = NULL;
    natsOptions *opts = NULL;
    natsConnection *nc = NULL;
    natsMsg *msg = NULL;
    microService *svc = NULL;
    microServiceInfo *info = NULL;
    microGroup *grp = NULL;

A service configuration. Service definitions are made up of the service name (which can’t have things like whitespace in it), a version, and a description.

    microServiceConfig svcConfig = {
        .Name = "MinMax",
        .Version = "0.0.1",
        .Description = "Returns the min/max number in a request",

Configurations for the 3 endpioints that will be added to the service. They share the same handler, which uses the State field to determine which value to calculate and return.

    microEndpointConfig minConfig = {
        .Name = "min",
        .Handler = handler,
        .State = (void *)MODE_MIN,
    microEndpointConfig maxConfig = {
        .Name = "max",
        .Handler = handler,
        .State = (void *)MODE_MAX,
    microEndpointConfig averageConfig = {
        .Name = "average",
        .Handler = handler,
        .State = (void *)MODE_AVERAGE,

Use the env variable if running in the container, otherwise use the default.

    if ((s = natsOptions_Create(&opts)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;

    const char *url = getenv("NATS_URL");
    if (url != NULL)
        s = natsOptions_SetURL(opts, url);

Create an unauthenticated connection to NATS.

    if ((s = natsConnection_Connect(&nc, opts)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;

Add a new service, with the above config. Even with no running endpoints, this service is discoverable via the micro protocol and by service discovery tools like nats micro. All of the default background handlers for discovery, PING, and stats are started at this point.

    if ((err = micro_AddService(&svc, nc, &svcConfig)) != NULL)
        goto _cleanup;

Each time we create a service, it will be given a new unique identifier. If multiple copies of the MinMax service are running across a NATS subject space, then tools like nats micro will consider them like unique instances of the one service and the endpoint subscriptions are queue subscribed, so requests will only be sent to one endpoint instance at a time.

    if ((err = microService_GetInfo(&info, svc)) != NULL)
        goto _cleanup;
    printf("Created service: Name:'%s', ID:'%s'\n", info->Name, info->Id);
    info = NULL;

Groups serve as namespaces and are used as a subject prefix when endpoints don’t supply fixed subjects. In this case, all endpoints will be listening on a subject that starts with func..

    if ((err = microService_AddGroup(&grp, svc, "func")) != NULL)
        goto _cleanup;

Add three endpoints to the service: min, max, and average. Each endpoint represents a subscription that can process a \n-separated list of integer numbers. The supplied handler uses the endpoint State to determine which value to calculate and return. will respond to minmax.min and minmax.max, respectively.

    if ((err = microGroup_AddEndpoint(grp, &minConfig)) != NULL)
        goto _cleanup;
    if ((err = microGroup_AddEndpoint(grp, &maxConfig)) != NULL)
        goto _cleanup;
    if ((err = microGroup_AddEndpoint(grp, &averageConfig)) != NULL)
        goto _cleanup;

Now we can use standard NATS requests to communicate with the service endpoints. First, try the 3 endpoints themselves.

    if ((s = natsConnection_Request(&msg, nc, "func.min", "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n", 21, 1000)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;
    printf("min response: %.*s\n", natsMsg_GetDataLength(msg), natsMsg_GetData(msg));
    msg = NULL;

    if ((s = natsConnection_Request(&msg, nc, "func.max", "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n", 21, 1000)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;
    printf("max response: %.*s\n", natsMsg_GetDataLength(msg), natsMsg_GetData(msg));
    msg = NULL;

    if ((s = natsConnection_Request(&msg, nc, "func.average", "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n", 21, 1000)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;
    printf("average response: %.*s\n", natsMsg_GetDataLength(msg), natsMsg_GetData(msg));
    msg = NULL;

Use the system subjects to request stats and info about the service.

    if ((s = natsConnection_Request(&msg, nc, "$SRV.STATS.MinMax", NULL, 0, 1000)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;
    printf("STATS response: %.*s\n", natsMsg_GetDataLength(msg), natsMsg_GetData(msg));
    msg = NULL;

    if ((s = natsConnection_Request(&msg, nc, "$SRV.INFO.MinMax", NULL, 0, 1000)) != NATS_OK)
        goto _cleanup;
    printf("INFO response: %.*s\n", natsMsg_GetDataLength(msg), natsMsg_GetData(msg));
    msg = NULL;



    if (s != NATS_OK)
        printf("Error: %u - %s\n", s, natsStatus_GetText(s));
        return 1;
    if (err != NULL)
        char errorbuf[2048];
        printf("Error: %s\n", microError_String(err, errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf)));
        return 1;
    return 0;

handler parses the incoming multiline message and calculates the min, max, and average.

Note: we do not use the C str... functions to parse the message because it is not necessarily '\0'-terminated.

static microError *handler(microRequest *req)
    const char *data = microRequest_GetData(req);
    int len = microRequest_GetDataLength(req);
    int n = 0;
    char buf[1024];
    int min = INT32_MAX;
    int max = INT32_MIN;
    double average = 0.0;
    int line = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if (n >= sizeof(buf))
            return microRequest_RespondError(req, micro_Errorf("line %d too long, exceeds %d characters", line, sizeof(buf)));

        if ((i < (len - 1)) && (data[i] != '\n'))
            buf[n++] = data[i];

        buf[n++] = data[i];
        buf[n] = '\0';
        n = 0;
        int v = atoi(buf);
        average += (double)v;

        if (v < min)
            min = v;
        if (v > max)
            max = v;
    average /= line;

    intptr_t mode = microRequest_GetEndpointState(req);
    switch (mode)
    case MODE_MIN:
        n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{\"min\":%d}", min);
    case MODE_MAX:
        n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{\"max\":%d}", max);
    case MODE_AVERAGE:
        n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "{\"average\":%f}", average);
        return microRequest_RespondError(req, micro_Errorf("unknown mode: %d", mode));

    return microRequest_Respond(req, buf, n + 1);


Error 5 - Connection Closed on connection [5]
Created service: Name:'MinMax', ID:'ZP4DX317JKAA5ZASV1UQXT'
min response: {"min":1}
max response: {"max":10}
average response: {"average":5.500000}
STATS response: {"id":"ZP4DX317JKAA5ZASV1UQXT","name":"MinMax","type":"io.nats.micro.v1.stats_response","started":"2024-06-04T13:00:40.199Z","endpoints":[{"name":"min","subject":"func.min","num_requests":1,"num_errors":1,"average_processing_time":"12.493µs","last_error":"null"},{"name":"max","subject":"func.max","num_requests":1,"num_errors":1,"average_processing_time":"12.583µs","last_error":"null"},{"name":"average","subject":"func.average","num_requests":1,"num_errors":1,"average_processing_time":"13.205µs","last_error":"null"}],"version":"0.0.1"}
INFO response: {"description":"Returns the min/max number in a request","endpoints":[{"name":"min","subject":"func.min"},{"name":"max","subject":"func.max"},{"name":"average","subject":"func.average"}],"id":"ZP4DX317JKAA5ZASV1UQXT","name":"MinMax","type":"io.nats.micro.v1.info_response","version":"0.0.1"}


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.