NATS Logo by Example

Regional and Cross Region Streams (Cluster) in Use Cases

This example shows and alternative to the [supercluster][1] version. Rather than a supercluster, this relies on a nine node cluster spread out across three regions and three availability zones each.

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set -euo pipefail


Create a shared configuration which enables JetStream and defines the unique_tag option which enforces all replicas for a given stream or consumer to be placed on nodes with different availability zones (AZ).

cat <<- EOF > shared.conf
jetstream: {
  unique_tag: "az:"

accounts: {
  \$SYS: {
    users: [{user: sys, password: sys}]
  APP: {
    jetstream: true
    users: [{user: user, password: user}]

Create the shared clustered config defining the seed routes.

cat <<- EOF > cluster.conf
name: c1
routes: [

Define nine server configurations modeling a cluster with three nodes in each region across three AZs. NATS does not currently support declaring tags with logical OR (or exclusive OR), so valid combinations can be precomputed as tags and then used when creating streams. In this case, the xr: tag encodes the cluster/AZ combination while still adhering to the unique_tag requirement. Each index corresponds to a region (e.g us-east) and the value at the index corresponds to an AZ, e.g. us-east4. Thus a tag xr:231 can be read as a cross-region stream where one replica is placed in region 1 in AZ 2, another in region 2 in AZ 3, and the third replica in region 3 in AZ 1. In addition to the xr: tags, the standard rg: (region) and az: (AZ) tags are set to support regional streams which is demonstrated below.

cat <<- EOF > "rg1-az1.conf"
server_name: rg1-az1
server_tags: [rg:1, az:1, xr:123, xr:132]
port: 4222
http_port: 8222
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6222
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg1-az1

cat <<- EOF > "rg1-az2.conf"
server_name: rg1-az2
server_tags: [rg:1, az:2, xr:213, xr:231]
port: 4223
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6223
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg1-az2

cat <<- EOF > "rg1-az3.conf"
server_name: rg1-az3
server_tags: [rg:1, az:3, xr:312, xr:321]
port: 4224
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6224
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg1-az3

cat <<- EOF > "rg2-az1.conf"
server_name: rg2-az1
server_tags: [rg:2, az:1, xr:213, xr:312]
port: 4225
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6225
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg2-az1

cat <<- EOF > "rg2-az2.conf"
server_name: rg2-az2
server_tags: [rg:2, az:2, xr:123, xr:321]
port: 4226
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6226
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg2-az2

cat <<- EOF > "rg2-az3.conf"
server_name: rg2-az3
server_tags: [rg:2, az:3, xr:132, xr:231]
port: 4227
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6227
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg2-az3

cat <<- EOF > "rg3-az1.conf"
server_name: rg3-az1
server_tags: [rg:3, az:1, xr:231, xr:321]
port: 4228
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6228
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg3-az1

cat <<- EOF > "rg3-az2.conf"
server_name: rg3-az2
server_tags: [rg:3, az:2, xr:132, xr:312]
port: 4229
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6229
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg3-az2

cat <<- EOF > "rg3-az3.conf"
server_name: rg3-az3
server_tags: [rg:3, az:3, xr:123, xr:213]
port: 4230
include shared.conf
cluster: {
  port: 6230
  include cluster.conf
jetstream: {
  store_dir: /tmp/nats/storage/rg3-az3

Start a server for each configuration and sleep a second in between so the seeds can startup and get healthy.

for c in $(ls rg*.conf); do
  echo "Starting server ${c%.*}"
  nats-server -c $c > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  sleep 1

Wait until the servers up and healthy.

echo 'Healthy?'
curl --fail --silent \
  --retry 5 \
  --retry-delay 1 \
  http://localhost:8222/healthz; echo

Show the server lit and JetStream report.

nats --user sys --password sys server list
nats --user sys --password sys server report jetstream

Create a cross-region stream using one of the pre-defined xr: tags.

nats --user user --password user stream add \
  --tag=xr:123 \
  --retention=limits \
  --storage=file \
  --replicas=3 \
  --discard=old \
  --dupe-window=2m \
  --max-age=-1 \
  --max-msgs=-1 \
  --max-bytes=-1 \
  --max-msg-size=-1 \
  --max-msgs-per-subject=-1 \
  --max-consumers=-1 \
  --allow-rollup \
  --no-deny-delete \
  --no-deny-purge \
  --subjects="events.*" \

Create a regional stream which relies on the unique_tag to ensure each replicas in a different AZ. This will create a stream in region 2 due to the rg:2 tag

nats --user user --password user stream add \
  --tag=rg:2 \
  --retention=limits \
  --storage=file \
  --replicas=3 \
  --discard=old \
  --dupe-window=2m \
  --max-age=-1 \
  --max-msgs=-1 \
  --max-bytes=-1 \
  --max-msg-size=-1 \
  --max-msgs-per-subject=-1 \
  --max-consumers=-1 \
  --allow-rollup \
  --no-deny-delete \
  --no-deny-purge \
  --subjects="orders.*" \

Report out the streams.

nats --user user --password user stream report


Starting server rg1-az1
Starting server rg1-az2
Starting server rg1-az3
Starting server rg2-az1
Starting server rg2-az2
Starting server rg2-az3
Starting server rg3-az1
Starting server rg3-az2
Starting server rg3-az3
│                                                     Server Overview                                                     │
│ Name    │ Cluster │ Host │ Version │ JS  │ Conns │ Subs  │ Routes │ GWs │ Mem     │ CPU % │ Cores │ Slow │ Uptime │ RTT │
│ rg1-az1 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 1     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 18 MiB  │ 3     │     8 │    0 │ 9.07s  │ 1ms │
│ rg1-az3 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 3     │     8 │    0 │ 7.04s  │ 2ms │
│ rg3-az2 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 4     │     8 │    0 │ 2.03s  │ 2ms │
│ rg3-az1 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 2     │     8 │    0 │ 3.03s  │ 2ms │
│ rg1-az2 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 1     │     8 │    0 │ 8.06s  │ 2ms │
│ rg2-az1 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 3     │     8 │    0 │ 6.05s  │ 2ms │
│ rg2-az3 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 2     │     8 │    0 │ 4.03s  │ 2ms │
│ rg2-az2 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 17 MiB  │ 2     │     8 │    0 │ 5.04s  │ 2ms │
│ rg3-az3 │ c1      │ 0    │ 2.10.1  │ yes │ 0     │ 508   │     32 │   0 │ 16 MiB  │ 6     │     8 │    0 │ 1.02s  │ 2ms │
│         │ 1       │ 9    │         │ 9   │ 1     │ 4,572 │        │     │ 154 MIB │       │       │    0 │        │     │

│                              Cluster Overview                              │
│ Cluster │ Node Count │ Outgoing Gateways │ Incoming Gateways │ Connections │
│ c1      │          9 │                 0 │                 0 │           1 │
│         │          9 │                 0 │                 0 │           1 │
│                                        JetStream Summary                                        │
│ Server   │ Cluster │ Streams │ Consumers │ Messages │ Bytes │ Memory │ File │ API Req │ API Err │
│ rg1-az1* │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg1-az2  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg1-az3  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg2-az1  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg2-az2  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg2-az3  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg3-az1  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg3-az2  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│ rg3-az3  │ c1      │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │
│          │         │ 0       │ 0         │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0 B    │ 0 B  │ 0       │ 0       │

│                  RAFT Meta Group Information                  │
│ Name    │ ID       │ Leader │ Current │ Online │ Active │ Lag │
│ rg1-az1 │ 6s4h5MOv │ yes    │ true    │ true   │ 0s     │ 0   │
│ rg1-az2 │ X8wPeL6S │        │ true    │ true   │ 950ms  │ 0   │
│ rg1-az3 │ FozYtzby │        │ true    │ true   │ 949ms  │ 0   │
│ rg2-az1 │ 8ShHFKtZ │        │ true    │ true   │ 946ms  │ 0   │
│ rg2-az2 │ Kx5WF0Q6 │        │ true    │ true   │ 950ms  │ 0   │
│ rg2-az3 │ NSUWzTzT │        │ true    │ true   │ 946ms  │ 0   │
│ rg3-az1 │ OEQTh4pP │        │ true    │ true   │ 950ms  │ 0   │
│ rg3-az2 │ LJVb57VO │        │ true    │ true   │ 950ms  │ 0   │
│ rg3-az3 │ uEtIi639 │        │ true    │ true   │ 950ms  │ 0   │
Stream EVENTS was created

Information for Stream EVENTS created 2023-10-23 19:31:50

              Subjects: events.*
              Replicas: 3
               Storage: File
        Placement Tags: xr:123


             Retention: Limits
       Acknowledgments: true
        Discard Policy: Old
      Duplicate Window: 2m0s
            Direct Get: true
     Allows Msg Delete: true
          Allows Purge: true
        Allows Rollups: true


      Maximum Messages: unlimited
   Maximum Per Subject: unlimited
         Maximum Bytes: unlimited
           Maximum Age: unlimited
  Maximum Message Size: unlimited
     Maximum Consumers: unlimited

Cluster Information:

                  Name: c1
                Leader: rg2-az2
               Replica: rg1-az1, current, seen 716µs ago
               Replica: rg3-az3, current, seen 198µs ago


              Messages: 0
                 Bytes: 0 B
        First Sequence: 0
         Last Sequence: 0
      Active Consumers: 0
Stream ORDERS was created

Information for Stream ORDERS created 2023-10-23 19:31:50

              Subjects: orders.*
              Replicas: 3
               Storage: File
        Placement Tags: rg:2


             Retention: Limits
       Acknowledgments: true
        Discard Policy: Old
      Duplicate Window: 2m0s
            Direct Get: true
     Allows Msg Delete: true
          Allows Purge: true
        Allows Rollups: true


      Maximum Messages: unlimited
   Maximum Per Subject: unlimited
         Maximum Bytes: unlimited
           Maximum Age: unlimited
  Maximum Message Size: unlimited
     Maximum Consumers: unlimited

Cluster Information:

                  Name: c1
                Leader: rg2-az3
               Replica: rg2-az1, current, seen 45µs ago
               Replica: rg2-az2, current, seen 1ms ago


              Messages: 0
                 Bytes: 0 B
        First Sequence: 0
         Last Sequence: 0
      Active Consumers: 0
Obtaining Stream stats

│                                                 Stream Report                                                │
│ Stream │ Storage │ Placement    │ Consumers │ Messages │ Bytes │ Lost │ Deleted │ Replicas                   │
│ EVENTS │ File    │ tags: xr:123 │         0 │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0    │       0 │ rg1-az1, rg2-az2*, rg3-az3 │
│ ORDERS │ File    │ tags: rg:2   │         0 │ 0        │ 0 B   │ 0    │       0 │ rg2-az1, rg2-az2, rg2-az3* │


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.